
K8s and Openfire

April 8, 2020
kubernetes, xmpp, instant messaging, openfire, devops

Openfire is a popular choice to implement instant messaging through XMPP. Thanks to the DevOps cultural shift widely adopted in modern cloud-native software engineering, infrastructure as code is paramount. Below, I am describing the steps to create a local minikube cluster with instant messaging capabilities via openfire. Running Minikube # very first time follow the installation macos please make sure that default vm is docker because you want to download images without having to switch docker registries locally: minikube config set driver docker start minikube minikube start start minikube dashboard start the dashboard in a separate terminal window because the process should keep running minikube dashboard create cluster create openfire. ...

Cleaning Apps from Mesos Using Marathon Recipe

October 28, 2019
mesos, marathon, devops, python

Problem # It is common to see services deployed to mesos that are not in use anymore or have been over-provisioned to support testing such as QA validation or performance. Not cleaning up those services can result in extra costs. Cleanup Process # Marathon offers a convenient REST API that supports mesos parallel scaling resizing, allowing the cleanup process to be automated (see marathon REST API). The cleanup process can be specified through SLA per environment such as DEV (all instances will be resized to 0 nightly), TEST and STAGE (all instances will be resized to 1). ...