
Wiremock + Juni5 + GrahQL Integration Tests

April 16, 2020
bdd, tdd, graphQL, tests, spring, junit5, kotlin

How Wiremock Helps with GraphQL # Dependence on test data # It is common for Microservices to call other downstream services. The coordination to make sure all services have reliable test data in-sync with other services is exponentially hard. Thus the need for contract-driven development, which allows simultaneous development of services that depend on each other. Another positive side effect of writing tests using Wiremock: having deterministic CICD regression testing. ...

Enforcing Quality through Tests and DevOps Practices

bdd, tdd, graphQL, tests, agile

Enforcing Quality through Tests and DevOps Practices # Let’s talk about tests. # There are different types of tests for the whole software development life cycle. Unit Tests are the smallest and fastest of the tests, validating code inside method and functions. They cover most of the codebase because they can validate the business logic in a granular way, including its negative cases that can produce errors. More advanced implementations of unit tests use Generative and Mutation techniques to check all code paths while reducing the boilerplate. ...